DECEMBER 28, 2022

Fast away the old year passes, Fa la la la la, la la la la.

 We have reached the end of our “Old” Year of 2022, 2023 is just four days away.

It is natural for us at this time to take a look back at this year which has passed away rather quickly; one suspects we’ve had some really good days and some days that were not exactly, like the mosaic pavement of King Solomon’s Temple – checkered with good and not so good. Most of our days are pretty routine and unremarkable.

Here’s wishing to everyone a safe, healthy & happy 2023. In this new year may we all commit ourselves to the wonderful Principles and tenets of our Fraternity; remembering at this time Freemasonry needs all of us, our best efforts to not only strengthen our Lodge in particular and the well-being for the entire Craft.

DECEMBER 21, 2022

Do not doubt, but Believe —  John 20:19

Today, some Christian denominations observe as the Feast Day of St. Thomas – the “Doubter”. We’re all familiar with the phrase, “Doubting Thomas”.

He’s gotten a bad rap – after all, he was honest.

It’s in our DNA to want and need proof of all things – in my job I request several – proof of income, proof of Escrows, proof of Property taxes and the like. Indeed, we run on “Trust, but Verify”. There are of course many things in our daily lives we believe since there’s proof – The Cincinnati Reds won the World Series in 1990 [and who when they’ll win another] is a proven fact.

One of the many beauties of Freemasonry is that all of us don’t need to be doubters about the existence of our Great and Beneficent Supreme Architect, that the Great Lights will always be there for us and with us, and that we need not tangible proof he has established His house and Kingdom forever.

DECEMBER 6, 2022
The next day, he took two denarii, gave them to the innkeeper, and said “Take care of him, and when I come back, I will repay you whatever more you spend.  – Luke 10:35
We’re all familiar with the parable of the Good Samaritan. We wonder what sort of names these days we might want to insert for those who passed by the wounded man, especially in these days of not so civil discourse.
The Good Samaritan took the wounded man to an innkeeper, paid the innkeeper to take care of the wounded man, and then promised to make up any shortfall.Not only did the Good Samaritan show mercy, but went further with commitment. He took it upon himself not to just have simply bandaged the wounded man up, but to become a true and trusted friend.

As Masons we realize that the lessons in this passage parallel what we learn of in our degrees, always remembering foot to foot – to always to go out of our way not only for one another, but for all people we encounter.

NOVEMBER 30, 2023

 Happy New Year!!!!

Have I lost my mind? [Don’t answer, please!] Isn’t the Rose Bowl and the Tournament of Roses Parade not until January 2nd?

Well, it is a New Year for our Lodge this evening as we will Install the Elected and Appointed Offices for 2023. There’s all sort of “New Years” – businesses have Fiscal Years, some Christian denominations observed their New Year this past Sunday; our Jewish Brothers and siters observe theirs in September usually.

It marks at once a New officer Line linked together by those leaving and by the timeless ceremony of Installation. We have the opportunity to both “look back” and thank those for their service and to “look forward” to new Officers.

Please make an effort to come out, enjoy the dinner beforehand and take part in the ceremonies – it would make the heart glad to see all seats on the sideline filled.

NOVEMBER 23, 2023

For the beauty and wonder of your creation, in earth, sea and sky

— We thank you, Lord
For all that is gracious in all people’s lives
-We thank you, Lord
For our daily food, our homes and families, and our friends
-We thank you, Lord
For minds to think, hearts to love and hands to serve
-We thank you, Lord
For health and strength to work
– We thank you, Lord
For the brave and courageous, who are patient in suffering and faithful in adversity
– We thank you, Lord
For all who aspire after truth, liberty and justice
– We thank you, Lord
Above all, we give you thanks for the many blessings you have bestowed upon us.
Bring the full tithe into the storehouse so that there may be food in my house, and thus put me
to the test, says the Lord of hosts; see if I will not open the windows of heaven for you
and pour down for you an overflowing blessing. — Malachi 3:10
A blessed Thanksgiving 2022 to all the family of Freemasonry.

NOVEMBER 16, 2022

  • Were not ten made clean? But the other nine, where are they?  — Luke 12:17

I have always wondered what ever happened to the other nine lepers. Did they live their whole lives regretting that they failed to offer thanks for the gift of life given to them?  Did they believe that their suffering entitled them to something better?

We live in an entitled world; “modern” people believe they deserve the life they desire. We see all around us examples of the nine who went away ungrateful.

We know as Masons that ingratitude is incompatible with our Tenets; that gratitude to the Great Architect is the cornerstone of our daily lives.

NOVEMBER 2. 2022

Tonight is our Lodge’s annual Awards Night, one of our major event of the year. Tonight we will pause to remember our brethren who have been called by the Great Architect in the year gone by, and rejoice for those who are receiving their sundry service awards.

While it is altogether a good thing to do this, there is, I believe, one universal award that all Masons receive :


All of us, through our common ties, merit the Very Valuable Brother award each and every day. All of us, in our own way,

with our own unique knowledge, abilities, experience and talent all add to that Common Stock which is indeed the very strength and support of our Intuition.

OCTOBER 15, 2022

The next day, he took two denarii, gave them to the innkeeper, and said “Take care of him, and when I come back, I will repay you whatever more you spend.  – Luke 10:35

We’re all familiar with the parable of the Good Samaritan. We wonder what sort of names these days we might want to insert for those who passed by the wounded man, especially

in these days of not so civil discourse.

The Good Samaritan took the wounded man to an innkeeper, paid the innkeeper to take care of the wounded man, and then promised to make up any shortfall.

Not only did the Good Samaritan show mercy, but went further with commitment. He took it upon himself not to just have simply bandaged the wounded man up, but to

become a true and trusted friend.

As Masons we realize that the lessons in this passage parallel what we learn of in our degrees, always remembering foot to foot – to always to go out of our way not only

for one another, but for all people we encounter.

OCTOBER 5, 2022

Refrain from anger, leave rage alone

Do not fret yourself; it only leads to evil  –Psalm 37:9

We all notice how much anger and rage there is in our public life and how [sadly] it creeps into our personal dealings.

Imagine if the counsel of this Psalm were heeded : it would derail most campaigns for political office & destroy the business models of the cable news channels!

In the psalter of David, David had ample reason for fear, anger and rage; he had to flee into exile when King Saul turned on him and his own son Absalom rose up against him in rebellion.

As Masons we are fortunate as we understand to be still before our Divine Creator and wait patiently before him; we understand that our ultimate safety is in God and God alone.

SEPTEMBER 28, 2022

There is great gain in godliness combined with contentment, for we brought nothing into the world, so that we can take nothing out of it, but if we have food and clothing, we will be content with them.

– 1 Timothy 6:6-8

This text goes on to where we encounter that all-too-familiar bromide, “Money is the root of all evil” Is it? Should we instead consider that “Greed is the source of all evil”.  There is nothing more distasteful and unseemly than greed; indeed, greed is and will always be incompatible with Freemasonry. We all need money whether it comes from W2 wages, Social Security, pensions, annuities and Investment accounts. This of course enables us “thereby being better able to support myself and family and contribute to the relief of all worthy distressed Master Masons, their widows and orphans”.

As we live our lives, let us remember to ever be content with the necessities of life, knowing that we will exit mortal life with nothing. There is no place in our daily lives for greed or to be concerned with possessions that someone else has; it is all vanity and wistfulness.

SEPTEMBER 21, 2022

In Thornton Wilder’s play Our Town, the residents of Grover’s Corner go about their daily routines just as we do. The rhythm of their lives becomes quickly predictable, looking much like ours.

Near the end of Act III, Wilder’s most significant character, Emily, asks, “Do any human beings ever realize life as they live it?” In other words, do we ever take time to recognize the things in life that matter most as we go about our daily routines? When was the last time any of us paused to consider what matters most?

Fortunately for us, sharing the Tenets of Freemasonry is the most important vocation we can have. We rejoice in the shared principles of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth which cements us into a common bond; it is incumbent upon us to bring what matters most to our communities, our nation and the world.


O God, you know my foolishness, and my faults are not hidden   — Psalm 69:6

When we think about some of the things we’ve done over the years, all of can certainly feel foolish. We can worry and have anxiety for days and weeks about any number of things; the moment arrives and our fears are put to rest.

Or there are times were we buy something on a whim – a shirt that doesn’t flatter, a book we’ll never read, a snack with way too much sugar and/or starch; we berate ourselves : what were we thinking?

One the many beauties of Masonry reminds and enable us to find this passage comforting: Our Supreme Architect knows we make bad choices or worry in lieu of putting our faith and trust in Him; He knows we are Rough Ashlars in this life; He created all of us and will be with us to the ultimate state of becoming that Perfect Ashlar.

AUGUST 31, 2022

Here it is . . .the last day of August.  We have tomorrow the first day of our annual “S” month.

How much daylight have we lost since June? 55 minutes off sunrise and 58 minutes off sunset. Have we noticed that our days are a bit “brighter” as well.

There’s always a natural temptation to look at tomorrow’s calendar and say to ourselves that it’s autumn, when it isn’t yet. Our “S” month, along with its companion month of March can definitely be joker ones, weather-wise.

Swimming trunks, shorts and swimming pool supplies are all on clearance to make way for sweaters, jackets and sweat suits.

There’s much to look forward to . . . the return of college football, days that are less hot and humid, seasonal candy, apple cider come to mind.

We look forward to our Lodge meetings resuming and returning to labor in the quarries of Freemasonry. Masonry calls us throughout our three degrees to always be looking forward, ever remembering how abundantly blessed our Lodge and we are and looking forward to do our work found upon our daily Trestleboards in the Great Books of Nature and Revelation.

AUGUST 24, 2022

Animals are such agreeable friends – they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms.  – George Eliot

Today I am going to talk about our household cat, who has been with us going on 11 years now this October 5. He has no table manners, he does terribly in school [except if the course is Food Finding, then he’s on the  Honor Roll], never wears any clothes around but has become a nice part of daily life.

Every day when I come home from work, I know I am going to be greeted with great happiness, regardless of the days I’ve had. He’s just happy that I’m home. All cats develop their own daily rituals and our friend has several that he must do daily.

I need to sit at the top of the steps so he can come up to me on my right to mark & get petted. I have come to realize that to this feline I represent his needs : food, water and security. Not only do I look forward to his daily rituals, this cat teaches me an important lesson – that my (and our) right relationship with our  Supreme Architect of the Universe should parallel that which there is with the cat & I.

AUGUST 17, 2022

“Your beliefs become your thoughts,
Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny.”
― Gandhi

I came across this quote of Mahatma Gandhi and found that it really resonates with who we hope to be in our daily lives as Masons.

While we have our own beliefs we certainly kept hm with us on a day to day basis as we work in our figurative quarries.

We are blessed in our Masonry to claim very important and ever-lasting values which will serve us and all humankind all the days of our mortal lives; we take them and hold onto them; destined to be called into the Celestial Lodge above, where the Supreme Architect presides.

AUGUST 10, 2022

Be not forgetful to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unaware.  – Hebrews 13:2

They are many instances of hospitality in Scripture, which remind us of our calling as people, and especially as Masons.

We are reminded back in Genesis of the story of Abraham and Sarah, elderly and childless, who offered hospitality to three Wayfaring strangers who stated in response to their food, drink and shelter that they would have a son.

I believe it is in our human DNA to extend hospitality to all, especially at Lodge gatherings. Too often on an Entered Apprentice conferral nigh you can tell who is the candidate since no one is talking with him!

We do have the good fortune not to have this occurred! We never know just who that angel might turn out to be in our company.

We have the opportunity in 10 days to offer abundant hospitality to all those who will be attending our annual Summer Picnic – let’s offer one and all warm greetings and display the Great Tenent of Friendship.

AUGUST 3, 2022

  • Take care! Be on guard against all kinds of greed, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of possessions.   – Luke 12:13-14

Greed and money, two of the many “traps” that are available to us during our mortal journey – to say the least, they are tempting and alluring.

Do we love money? We all like having money and other assets; indeed our Third Cardinal Virtue, Prudence, calls upon us to “wisely judge and prudentially determine all things relative to our present as well as our future happiness”.

Masonry reminds us that money and other tangible assets we have are important but not to be possessed for them alone. We all have known of instances where greed and

hoarding of possessions have unintended collateral damage to one’s self, family and others. We are to remember to make wise decisions and take right actions by keeping these “tempters” away from our lives.

          So it is with those who store treasures for themselves but are not rich toward God.   – Luke 12:21

JULY 27, 2022

—  I greet you as a Brother

Those were the words spoken by Brother Joseph Brant, the Chief of the Mohawk nation to American Colonel John McKinstry and three others whose lives he had saved during the years of our Revolutionary War.
Joseph Brant was the first indigenous person made a Mason in London in 1706; the remarkable man became chief of the Tribes of the Six Nations at the age of 29 in 1771 and had distinguished himself during both the French and Indian and Revolutionary Wars.
Perhaps it is more significant that Brother Brant was his work to bring Christianity to the Six Nations in an effort to integrate the Tribes into a wider American culture; he single handedly translated the New Testament into the Mohawk language in 1787; through Brother’s Brant’s example other indigenous men sought admission into the Craft.

JULY 20, 2022

Well, here we are on July 20th . . . already . . . it is the 201st day of the year; we have now lost 25 minutes from our longest day. Today will be the last day that the Sun will set at 9:00 p.m.

It’s the time for peaches, nectarines, cantaloupes; salad days. We do not need to think about scraping frost off our windshields in the morning; our Fleece jackets are safely stored away.

It’s time when Baseball has had its Mid-Summer Classic [AKA The All-Star Game] the advent of College Football is only six and a half weeks from now.

Everything is in its place at this season; we need not check the weather forecast as is a daily one of SH+H [Sunny, hot & humid]

The Lord our Divine Artist is in His holy place, watching over us and guiding us in the work He has prepared for us to do.

While we enjoy this season, let us remember our sick and distressed and be ready to aid and assist all that may be in need.

JULY 13, 2022

I am searching my “Archives” today for something to write about, so I am going to go “back in time” to the

1960’s and the Ray Conniff Singers [I know full well I’m dating myself!] who were quite popular in those days.

One of their many songs was entitles “Happiness Is”; while I can’t seem to recall the lyrics what has always stayed with me

is the refrain – “Happiness Is Different Things To Different People, That’s What Happiness Is”

We all have our own particular things which make us happy and hopefully there are more things that make us happy than sad.

We Masons have one very important thing which should make us all happy, that is, we have one another to trust and

support, those intangibles which keep the dark as bright as the day each and every day. Freemasonry is our own Beauty And

Glory of the Day, our Lamp Unto Our Feet. It is that constant bond which ensures our happiness.

JULY 6, 2022

Then one of the elders addressed me, saying “Who are these, robed in white, and where have they come from?”   — Revelation 7:13

Without any doubt the author of this passage has experienced a vision of a vast and unaccountable multitude of people totally immersed in God’s healing and cleansing grace; they all rejoice for it.

Freemasonry also gives us this same ability to see ourselves in this extraordinary grace when we come together in our degree conferrals when we can experience the joys of brotherly Love, Relief and Truth, rejoicing in each other’s prosperity; when we return to the cares, concerns and rigors of our daily lives the memory sustains us, where we can drink from the springs of living water.

JUNE 28, 2022

As we near our mid-year Holiday of Independence Day, I want today to share with you something which pertains to our first

President [and Brother Mason] George Washington, which shows the blessings interwoven with our Houses of Worship and our Nation.

On August 7, 1789, the House of Bishops of the then newly-constituted Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States wrote : “ … to express

our cordial joy on your election to the chief magistracy of the United States . . . We devoutly implore the Supreme Ruler of the Universe to preserve

you long in health . . . the friend and guardian of a free, enlightened and grateful people.”

Brother & President Washington’s response is worth sharing verbatim : “I request, Most reverend and respectable Gentlemen, that you will accept

my cordial thanks for your devout supplications to the Supreme Ruler of the Universe in behalf of me. May you, and the people you represent,

be the happy subjects of Divine Benediction both here and hereafter.”

JUNE 22, 2022

Oh, what a beautiful morning,

Oh, what a beautiful day.

I got a beautiful feeling

Everything’s going my way.

This is the refrain of the song of the same name, the opening song of the iconic musical Oklahoma!, which made its debut on Broadway on march 31, 1943, and was the first of many collaborations of Richard Rogers and Oscar Hammerstein.

Whenever I hear this, one parallel comes to mind : “As the sun rises in the East to open and illume the day . . .” 

We have daybreak, we have as Masons staring our day with a blank trestle board upon which to write our designs for that day.

The things we know we need to do, what we hope to accomplish, what we do for those around us, ever remembering that each morning is our duty to work in partnership with the Divine Artist. We understand each beautiful morning that we are called to labor in our vineyards & quarries.

By so doing, we make the best of the gift of the time allotted us daily by the Twenty Four inch gauge.

JUNE 15, 2022

A Father’s Day Prayer

Dear Father Who Art In Heaven –

         Help me to look to you for my fatherly focus.

Hallowed Be Thy Name, Thy Kingdom Come -–

         May all I do as an earthly dad reflect the divine essence of You.

Thy Will Be Done –

         Let me look to you for daily guidance for my family.

Give Us This day Our Daily Bread –

        Give me strength and health to be a faithful wage earner.

Forgive Us Our Trespasses –

        Forgive me for having “missed the mark” many times.

As We Forgive Others –

        Help me forgive my family’s faults as You forgive me.

Lead Us Not Into Temptation –

        May I keep my eyes on You and off the false glitter of the world.

Bu Deliver Us From Evil –

        Protect my family and keep them safe under Your wings of love.

For Thine Is The Kingdom –

        May what we do as a family help accomplish what You desire done.

And The Power and The Glory –

       Whatever success we have, Lord, we give thanks in your name.

Forever and Ever –

       Thank You for being our “Forever Father”


JUNE 1, 2022

Sandy & I had our usual Sunday visitation to our favorite Chinese restaurant, this time in my Fortune cookie I got the following : There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.

I thought about this and realized this is something universal for all of us. Some of you may remember RWB Harry Himes, a member of North Bend Lodge. I certainly do, and can hear him saying that the only place you’ll find success before work is in the dictionary.

We’re tempted each and every day, I believe, thinking we can take a shortcut doing something, thinking “No one will ever know” Of course, that may be the case, but, most importantly, we know. For reference think of one of our emblems [the Sword] in the Lecture of the Master Mason degree.

When the temptation arises to take the path of shortcuts, we remind ourselves that our Masonry is a daily Commitment to Excellence in all we do, each and every day.

MAY 25, 2022

I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year,

“Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown.”

And he replied, “Go into the darkness and put your hand into the hand of God.

That shall be to you better than light and safer than a known way!”

So mote it be for us today and all days.

Have a safe and enjoyable Memorial Day.

MAY 18, 2022

-One of the secrets of life is that all that is really worth the doing is what we do for others.   

Lewis Carroll

We’re all familiar the Lewis Carroll and his classic work, Alice In Wonderland, hailed as a work for children – but was it? We as adults can learn a great deal from his commentaries through the various characters Alice encounters.

In this quote Carroll catches the essence of our lives, and especially the very foundation of Masonry and what we called upon to do for all those around us on a daily basis.  I receive a weekly e-mail from that lists the many charitable works of both individuals, Lodges and Grand Lodges around the world – our generosity truly extends throughout the world for those lees fortunate. We do it because it is the right thing to do; we continue so to do knowing we are working in conjunction with the Supreme Architech’s designs on His Trestleboard.

. . . so let him give, not grudgingly, or of necessity, for God loveth a cheerful giver.  – 2 Corinthians 9:7

MAY 11, 2022

I remember back to my school days when Report Cards got sent home, sometimes with some trepidation on my part! I would always hope that my Mom & Dad would look well at my grades in Writing,

History, English and the like and would discreetly “overlook” science and math! As a matter of fact, I had a running gag growing up that I always could that I was adopted since my Dad was an accountant!

Of course, once we were done with our formal education, the “Report Card” simply morphed into “Performance Review” in our adult,  professional lives; as such, we’ve spent many years being graded.

Well maybe the concept of a “Report Card” for we Masons isn’t a bad one – a daily look back on how we “made the grade” – how did we do in the sundry aspects of our day in all situations and all interactions.

Did we grade well – then we have succeeded. If we found we honestly got a “C” we know that it was a Rough Ashlar day and there is tomorrow to bring that “C” to hopefully an “A” to the glory of Freemasonry.

MAY 4, 2022

I am reminded of a story about a family who lived down in the hollows; life hadn’t all that kind to them. One day, in the local newspaper, they saw an advertisement for a big Furniture sale at a store in the adjacent town. So they drove to the store and there found a nice Living Room suite but were a bit put off at its cost [even though it was on sale]. They sat and talked with the salesman about the price, when the salesman told them about their special payment plan – “You take delivery and then don’t make payments for six months.” The man turned a brilliant shade of red, leaped off the couch, looked around, turned to the salesman and said in a very low voice : “Who told you about us?”

Well that also is a good question for each and every one of us – Who told us about Freemasonry?  I would suspect that each of us would have a different answer. For some it may be generational – father, uncles, grandfather – some perhaps by someone they knew and respected at their workplace or house of worship or in their circle of friends – someone who did things the right way and conducted themselves in that particular manner that Masons have.

We come to Masonry from our own unique paths with our own unique backgrounds, education levels and so forth to celebrate the beauty and glory of our Fraternity; perhaps by our lives and actions we will be the ones who tells someone about us.

APRIL 20, 2022

How far shall charity extend?

We learn, where is there dearth,

Our charity should reach the end,
    The utmost end of earth;
And even more. The arch of blue,
     The great celestial sphere,
Should know the love of Masons, true,
     That spreads fraternal cheer.
As astronauts in these days ride
      To every stellar place,
So may we spread our teachings wide
      Through all the realms of space.

APRIL 13, 2022

For It Is The Passover of the Lord  — Exodus

We have arrived at Holy Week, a special time where Jews and Christians gather in their own Faith traditions to observe the Passover, better known in the Western Christian world as Easter, and as Pascha in Eastern Christianity.
The first question that is asked at the conclusion of the Passover Seder is as follows : “Why is this evening more important than any other?” Its import is universal and timeless — as we are marked as God’s own, we are “passed over” from fear, anxiety and doubt and freed from the bondage of envy, greed and possessiveness. While we have all had to have partaken of bitter herbs, we know by being on the “right path” we too will arrive at the ideal of a land flowing with milk and honey.
At this time in our nation and our world we need to be people liberated by our various ills and ready to assist our Divine Artist in His work He has set out for us to do. Let us remember our sick and distressed that all may have healing and re-birth; please continue to keep the valiant people of Ukraine in your thoughts and prayers so they may be delivered from their distress against the ravages of barbarous force unleashed upon them.
May you all have a blessed season of renewal.

APRIL 6, 2022

  1. Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah,
    Pilgrim through this barren land;
    I am weak, but Thou art mighty,
    Hold me with Thy pow’rful hand.
    Bread of heaven, Bread of heaven,
    Feed me till I want no more;
    Feed me till I want no more.
I remember the first time my wife Sandy & I sang this hymn together in church one Sunday morning. Upon its conclusion, I asked her in what Katharine Hepburn film this hymn was heard — when I mentioned it was the sole movie she co-starred with Humphrey Bogart, she knew — African Queen.
This is a boilerplate hymn in many denominations’ hymnals, written by the Welshman William Williams in 1711.   
I am always reminded of what special import it has for us Masons, especially during the ceremony of Initiation. We are weak and traveling through a barren land at times; as the initiate has a guide, so we too have that Divine Guide who is with us this days and all days and feeds us abundantly with the “hidden manna” with Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth.

MARCH 30, 2022

What Is A Mason?                                             

A Mason is a MAN and BROTHER whose trust is in GOD, who meets you ON THE LEVEL and acts upon the SQUARE.
Truth is his compass and he is ever PLUMB.  He has a true GRIP on all that is RITE, who is loyal to his ORDER, and whatever
his DEGREE, he is MASTER of himself.  In the Lodge of life he wears unstained the WHITE LAMBSKIN of innocence. From his
INITIATION as an ENTERED APPRENTICE he travels ever East towards the LIGHT OF WISDOM until he receives the Final —

MARCH 16, 2022

The Lord is my light and salvation; whom then shall I fear?     Psalm 27, Verse 1

The words of the psalmist certainly have meaning and relevance at this time.
“In times of difficulty and danger, in whom do you put your trust?” is the first question a new candidate for Masonry is asked upon his entrance. It seems there is much to fear [or perhaps to be concerned about] these days in a time of war and uncertainty, of $4 for a gallon of gas, and the like. We’re a bit on edge, and with good reason. Rising prices affect those most on fixed incomes and limited wages without any relief in short term sight; we should always be concerned with the needs of others and those less fortunate.
But we as Masons are assured that our belief and trust in the Great Architect of the Universe will be rewarded and vindicated in the coming days. Perhaps we can see its paying dividends in the abatement of the scourge of COVID among us; we are heartened to see early spring outside and that there will be a Baseball season [though I hope Reds GM Nick Krall doesn’t trade anyone else!]
My brethren, hope and trust will be our salvation. Please pray for the brave people of Ukraine in their valiant struggle against the forces of evil, that they may be comforted & restored.

MARCH 2, 2022

Today in some Western Christian denominations is observed as Ash Wednesday, it’s a day not to be “surprised” seeing someone walking around with ashes on their foreheads!

If nothing else, perhaps we could look upon today as a day of Attitude, examining ourselves with our sundry “Right Relationships” with one another, all we encounter, and most especially, with our Supreme Architect of the Universe. There is precedent for wearing of ashes as we recall the reluctant prophet Jonah proclaiming judgement on the inhabitants of Nineveh, who in outward token of their waywardness, donned sackcloth & covered themselves with ashes for 40 days, and were spared condemnation.

We need not do this; as Masons we want to remind ourselves that we are all Rough Ashlars, imperfect by nature, and wish to remind ourselves in the daily practice of Brotherly Love, Relief & Truth that we will arrive at being Perfect Ashlars.

FEBRUARY 23,  2022

Joseph said to his brothers, It is I, Joseph! Is my father still alive?  — Genesis 45:3

We are all familiar, I hope, with this passage as we saw Joseph’s brothers who sold him in slavery to Egypt for silver [one is amazed at how well the writers of the New Testament were familiar with the passage, among others!]. One wouldn’t blame Joseph for being revengeful or “getting back’ at his brothers for what they did, yet Joseph asks first about the well-being of their father, as Israel had undergone drought and would last another five years.

It is a wonderful tableau about concern for others and offering reconciliation; it shows consideration for those present and future needs of others. Through his brothers, Joseph calls to all of us today to conciliate true friendship for all and to not rest while those around us are in need when we can relieve their distress without inconvenience to ourselves. We are indeed fortunate to find these themes and admonitions running all throughout symbolic Masonry, and so should it ever be, this day and all days.

FEBRUARY 16,  2022

In thee, O Lord, have I put my trust; let me never be put to confusion, but rid me and deliver me in thy righteousness.
Psalm 71:1-5

These are and can be construed as confusing times in our lives; it seems as though the last two years have been nothing but confusing. All around us we see, hear and read about things [whether informative or informative] which will cause confusion and create that awful condition known to one and all as anxiety.  We have all left to one extent or the other of being lost in the proverbial forests of Lebanon. One is reminded of one of Alice’s exclamations in Wonderland that “things are not as they seem”.

We have the antidote to confusion in Masonry. We know that we affirm our trust is and remains in the Supreme Architect each and every day; we need not be confused by what is around us and that the righteousness of God will deliver us in this life.

FEBRUARY 2,  2022

I thank God for every remembrance of you
Philippians 1:3

We are approaching next Saturday a very important event in the life of our Lodge, its 175th  Anniversary and Reconsecration to be observed Saturday February 12th at 9:00 a.m.

What an appropriate time to “take a look back” at where we have been since October 20, 1847 – it is truly remarkable. We also pause to try to think about all those who have come before us: members we never knew, and especially those whose hands we’ve grasped in token of brotherly friendship that we cannot any more. Take a few minutes sometime and look over the names of those brethren who signed our Bible the night we were raised.  Are there any who are still with us?

Think about how many Bibles we have signed over the course of time, and what a lasting memory that is to its owner.

We remember those who have worked on the building and grounds, and in all other aspects of the life of our Lodge which makes it what it is today.

It is truly amazing when we think and reflect on all that has transpired over this time; our work continues as we are the current stewards and must pass along a vibrant Lodge for those who are still to come in our Fraternity.

Please come if at all possible next Saturday, to enjoy a breakfast, and to give thanks to God for our Fraternity, Lodge and especially one another.

JANUARY 19,  2022

  • Can Anything Good Come Out of Nazareth     — John 1;46

This has always resonated with me as a snarky, snide comment about someone [or something]. Hopefully we haven’t had occasion to think this about someone we encounter!

Can anything good . . . this is still a very relevant thought at the present moment. We’ve all wondered to some extent about what good there is with omnicron, the rising cost of living, finding grocery store shelves empty, finding retail stores unexpectantly closed, and so on.

It calls us to look and discern about what good there is [or may be at some time in the future] Perhaps the good dealing with COVID is what we do for others, for what other do for us. Perhaps the good is being able to see one another while we stay safe. Perhaps when COVID & omnicron retreat, we will be thankful and very grateful for “back to somewhat” normal.

We remember and trust as Masons that our Divine Artist has established his house or kingdom forever, and that we continue to persevere.

We remember in whom we put our trust while being “still in darkness” : we follow our Guide, and will fear no danger.

JANUARY 5. 2022

For we have seen his star in the East, and are come to pay him homage  — Matthew 2:2

Tomorrow, January 6, in some Christian denominations, is observed as the Feast of the Epiphany, marking the visitation of the Magi and the 12th and final day of the Christmas season.
We know very little of the Magi as we find this sole passage in Scripture. We do not know how many there were [legend has three], we do not know their names or from where did they originate.
We can discern that they were men of means, educated and determined they needed to travel to find to whom and where this great Light would take them. They did not know where, how long or how arduous their journey would be, but knew   the time and effort would be rewarding.
And so it is equally true for us Masons — we do not know how long our journey in Masonry will be, or to where it will lead us or how arduous the journey may be, but we know we have the Great Lights of Masonry and are called upon to follow it during our mortal lives, knowing the Great Lights of Masonry will lead us the the ultimate Light we will find in the Celestial Lodge above.

DECEMBER 29, 2021

It snowed and snowed ,the whole world over,
Snow swept the world from end to end.
A candle burned on the table;
A candle burned.As during summer midges swarm
To beat their wings against a flame
Out in the yard the snowflakes swarmed
To beat against the window paneThe blizzard sculptured on the glass
Designs of arrows and of whorls.
A candle burned on the table;
A candle burned. Distorted shadows fell
Upon the lighted ceiling:
Shadows of crossed arms,of crossed legs-
Of crossed destiny.Two tiny shoes fell to the floor
And thudded.
A candle on a nightstand shed wax tears
Upon a dress.All things vanished within
The snowy murk-white,hoary.
A candle burned on the table;
A candle burned.A corner draft fluttered the flame
And the white fever of temptation
Upswept its angel wings that cast
A cruciform shadowIt snowed hard throughout the month
Of February, and almost constantly
A candle burned on the table;
A candle burned.
Winter Night, written by Boris Pasternak

DECEMBER 22, 2021

“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed.”
― Mahatma Gandhi

These are words from a very wise and perceptive individual some many years ago; the thoughts are universal, they still resonate in our daily lives as 2021 comes to a close.

Greed — the desire and need to possess worldly wealth beyond one’s needs is out and about. It is one of the Seven Deadly Sins

One wonders if Mahatma Gandhi had ever encountered the last paragraph of the Entered Apprentice Lecture — if he didn’t he certainly understood the gist of it. [“Though constantly harassed more to produce the luxuries rather than the necessities of life . . . “]

We see this day in and day out around us. More, More and More . . . when Masonry reminds us to enjoy and be thankful for the comforts of having the necessities of life . . . shelter, a working furnace, food in the refrigerator and in the pantry, basic transportation. Our lives need to be a balance of avoiding [and even calling out when possible] greed and being ready and responsive to help relieve the distressed in their time of need. We need look no further to the death and destruction visited upon Western Kentucky last week. Perhaps we should consider making a donation [no donation is too small] via the Grand Lodge of Kentucky’s Web site.

Many blessings to one and all at this time of the year.

DECEMBER 15, 2021

One thing that I have come to enjoy as I have matriculated through my life is the prospect of clear sunny days in November and December. They to me are wonderful experience; it is a really good thing when you need to wear sunglasses when you’re out and about! It also means no clouds, rain, sleet or snow. I must say that clear nights are a different story — I will need to scrape frost of the car windows for the morning commute to my workplace.

While our days are very short, if we discern we note that our days are at their brightest, it also connotes a sense of stillness that sets in all around us. We see birds, deer, rabbits and squirrels are working diligently to store up food for the coming onset of Winter.
Is it possible that these days when the sun’s arc in the sky is at its lowest that it is our Divine Artist’s way [one of an infinite number of ways] of reminding that His light & his sundry assurances that He is with us always; He has established His house or kingdom forever for all humankind.
I do not believe that it is any coincidence that both Jews and Christians at this time of the year observe events representing Light in a darkened world. We need and are blessed to have the Three Great Lights of Masonry to guide us during dark December nights and always.

DECEMBER 8, 2021

“You brood of vipers . . . “

At this time of the year, our thoughts can (and maybe should) turn to our one patron, John the Baptist (It’s interesting at least to me that our Orthodox Christian brothers and sisters know him as John the Forerunner). He comes to us in Luke wearing Camel’s hair and eating nothing but wild locusts and honey, something that wouldn’t be our choice of attire or menu. Truly he would not be a “Beautiful Person”, A-lister, marketing major, or anything like that.  Like several of the Old Testament prophets, he presents us with serious warnings.

I would say that while we wouldn’t want to address any group of vipers, we should take heed of John the Baptist’s message, of taking the first step and doing the right thing. His message:  share with others when you have more than you need; do your job with honesty and integrity;  govern justly; do not extort or take advantage of others.

As John the Baptist served the Great Architect with Freedom, Fervency and Zeal, we need to remember always to help making all the crooked paths straight in our lives and in our communities, to take our own “first step” of Justice and Charity, hallmarks of of our Masonic profession.

DECEMBER 1, 2021

See, I am making all things new,Also, he said “Write this, for these words are trustworthy and true.”

— Revelation 21:5

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year? The author must be losing his ever-loving mind!!! Happy New Year?? Where was the Tournament of Roses parade? The Rose Bowl isn’t on ESPN today . . . .what gives?

Many New Year’s Day’s don’t coincide on January 1st. This past Sunday, some Western Christian denominations marked Advent Sunday as a new liturgical year. Many businesses have all sorts of New Year’s Day throughout the calendar year for their Fiscal year [as our Lodge does too]. New Year’s Day this calendar year was September 6th for our Jewish brothers and sisters.

This evening our Lodge celebrates our “New Year” with the installation of Officers. This year we are able to come together in better circumstances than last year, ever mindful of the distance we’ve traveled with COVID, knowing there’s a ways to go. We will as always invoke the blessings of the Great Architect over our Family of Freemasonry and to be our pillar of fire by night and pillar of cloud by day.

There is no “newness” as the tenets of our Fraternity are eternal. We rejoice in our ability to gather unfettered in our great Nation and celebrate another year in the life of our Lodge, as all Brothers and Fellows have done before. It would do the heart and soul well to see our sidelines full this, grasping once again our hands in token of our Fraternal friendship.

May the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, be with us this day and all days to come.


Now thank we all our God, with heart and hands and voices,
Who wondrous things hath done
In whom the whole world rejoices,
Who from our mother’s arms
Hath blessed us on our way
With countless gifts of love,
And still is ours today.

Words, Nun danket alle Gott, Jonathan Kruger [1598-1662]

Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, so that there be food in my house, and thus put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts; see if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you an overflowing blessing.

— Malachi 3 : 11

A wish for a happy, blessed and safe Thanksgiving to the family of Freemasonry, near and far this day and all days.

NOVEMBER 17, 2021

“Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth, upon this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation, so conceived, and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met here on a great battle field of that war. We are now have come to dedicate a portion of it as the a final resting place of for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. But in a larger sense we can not dedicate—we can not consecrate—we can not hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember, what we say here, but can never forget what they did here. It is for us, the living, rather to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they have, thus far, so nobly carried on. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us—that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to the that cause for which they here gave gave the last full measure of devotion—that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain; that this nation shall have a new birth of freedom; and that this government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”

— Abraham Lincoln, on the occasion of the dedication of the Gettysburg National Cemetery, November 19, 1863

Lest we forget.

NOVEMBER 10, 2021

God's green hills are set ablaze
His forests filled with dancing deer;
'Tis Mother Nature's Grand Finals
-- Harvest Time is here.

The tangerine moon is shining
Silhouetting trees down in the dell --
The silent corn stalks stand in rows
Under Autumn's awesome spell

Wild white geese are flying southward
Red Macintosh apples now arrear;

'Tis Nature's Grand Finale --
-- Harvest Time is here.A Poem of Douglas Raymond Rose
Grand Prairie, Texas

OCTOBER 20, 2021

It was at this time of the year [pre-COVID, I might add]  when driving on I-75 to Lodge that I noticed on one of the sundry billboards an advertisement for Cappel’s, showing a person clad in a Halloween outfit with the caption : “Be somebody you’re not”.

It is amazing how appropriate this ad is in today’s life : where we have elected officials, TV and radio talk show hosts, movie stars and other assorted “A-list” people all posing as knowledgeable in public health and safety. How sad of an illusion; people being someone or something that they actually aren’t at all.
With Masonry, we are relieved of the necessity of trying to be someone or something we’re not. We are ourselves, gifted by the Great Architect with various gifts and talents and the understanding to apply them daily for the betterment of ourselves and all people. We do not need, and should ever resist the need to “costume” ourselves — to daily grasp the realities of living and acting accordingly.

SEPTEMBER 22, 2021

It had rained last Tuesday night and into the morning Wednesday when I left for work, though it appeared the clouds were beginning to lift and I drove in a Southwesterly course.

I was in the midst of my third week with my new employer and having a bit of “new job” anxiety, hoping I would digest all the newness, having been flooded so far with all the TMI deriving from WebX sessions and the like.
I looked up at the now blue sky and lo and behold : it was a vibrant, bright rainbow. So many thoughts cam to mind : the hymns “Blessed Assurance” and “Amazing Grace”. I remember God’s promise to Noah about floods, and     the pillars of Boaz and Jachin, God’s promise to David that He would establish His house or kingdom forever.
As Masons, we learn of the Anchor and Ark in the explanation of the emblems in the Master Mason Lecture. Though it is not included, should we not also include of a rainbow with the Anchor and Ark?
God graced me last Wednesday on His promise to me that I will not be “flooded”  and that all of us realize the Divine Artist’s eternal promise to us all.

SEPTEMBER 15, 2021  

Today I am going to talk about a very interesting and unique fellow Mason, born on this date here in Cincinnati in 1857  — William Howard Taft, the only person ever in our history to have served as President of the United States and Chief Justice of the United States.

His profession and greatest avocation was the law; he wound up as an administrator in the Philippines before being “anointed” as Theodore Roosevelt’s successor as nominee of the Republican Party in 1908. He accepted the nomination on the portico of his half-brother’s house, which today houses the Taft Museum of Art. [An interesting place to tour is William Howard Taft’s birthplace on Auburn Avenue, which is maintained by the National Park Service] After losing re-election in 1912, he returned to his Alma Mater, Yale University as a law professor until his nomination and installation as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court in 1921.
As his father and two brothers were members of Kilwinning Lodge #256, William petitioned for membership in 1909, shortly prior to becoming President. The then Grand Master, Charles Hoskinson, convened an Occasional Lodge at 5:00 p.m. on February 18, 1909 the the purpose of making him a Mason at sight. There was in attendance some 800 Masons in the Scottish Rite Cathedral, some others numbering around 200 had to have been turned away. This did cause some “backlash” from those opposed to this “irregular” event.
Upon his being elected to membership to Kilwinning Lodge #356, he addressed those assembled as follows :  “I am glad to be here,and to be a Mason. It does me good to feel the thrill that comes from recognizing on all hands the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man.”


Come, labor on, who dares stand idle on the harvest plain,

While all around us waves the golden grain?
And to each servant does the Master say,
“Go work today”.
Verse 1, written by Jane Laurie Borthwick
Yesterday morning our minister during our church service asked those either literally or figuratively to hold up the items with which they work or anything such as a hobby or avocation. What came to mind instantly for me was one of my most valuable possessions, the Ritual Book.
How appropriate is it for us as Masons on this Labor Day to take a bit of time and reflect on Labor and our symbolic Working Tools with which we should all remember. Work for every person is a blessing, furthermore it is a blessing for our families and our communities as well in our workplace where we actually earn [or did earn if retired] our W2 income.
The concept of work is found all interwoven throughout the three Degrees of Symbolic Masonry, the importance of which should be one of our principal tenets, from how we are taught to build that spiritual house, not made with human hands in our Initiation, all the way to understanding why we wish to receive Master’s Wages and that the Divine Artist created us for active and social life, being the nobelest part of His work.
Let us not “stand idle” at this time of need in our world today. Come, labor on.


Transition — [Noun] The process or period of changing from one state of condition to another  — Webster’s English Dictionary

You don’t even need a calendar to know what month of the year it is — just walk into your favorite Kroger or Walmart and one is “greeted” with Back to School, Halloween candy, pumpkin pies and everything pumpkin spice imaginable. (Though I do have say I would take a flyer on pumpkin spice Cheerios)
We have now arrived at the ninth month of this year, September, which is a month where we transition away from summer and into autumn, away from the hot and humid summer into the warm and dry days.
By now, we have lost around two full hours of daylight from the Summer Solstice; we can notice our days though are getting a bit brighter. The baseball season is in its home stretch [maybe there’s playoff hope yet for the Reds], Ohio State plays its first football game tomorrow night, college football’s first full weekend is right upon us [Thanks Be To God!]
Transition is for us as Masons an understanding that the process of transition is a daily journey from yesterday into that undiscovered country that each day brings to us. We cannot be today what we were just yesterday, even if our transition is seemingly very minor. We all transition and I write this as I myself transition now to a new employer. Life changes and events can be and are fraught with uncertainty, but are we are guided by our Supreme Architect, we trust we travel with the Eternal Lamp Unto Our Feet on this Level of Time.
Please let’s also at this time keep those whose lives are being impacted by Hurricane Ida foremost in our daily prayers and supplications.
Lodge resumes next Wednesday! We will once again be greeting each other in person!

AUGUST 25, 2021

I have a confession to make. We all know what Mark Twain wrote about this subject : that while it may be good for the soul, it can indeed be bad for the reputation.

My “confession” is that Sandy & I visit our favorite Chinese buffet each Sunday (and if so inclined I can tell you its name & location) and at the time the check is presented we get a fortune cookie, which are sometimes interesting, sometimes humorous and sometimes trite. I want at this juncture to share the text of my fortune this past week : All the darkness of the world cannot put out a single candle.
THese days it seems there is nothing but darkness in our lives : The Delta Variant and rising infections and hospitalizations, wildfires, earthquakes, fights at Board of Education meetings over masking, Boards of Education being sued over masking policies, politicians and talk show hosts posing as medical experts, and so on, with no seeming end in sight.
Freemasonry is that candle which will never be extinguished, no matter what. We have been given this as our lamp unto our feet to enable us to continue our journey with our full faith and confidence in the Supreme Architect, doing his work in the world. May we ever continue to walk in the light — even if it seems to be at times a solitary candle.

AUGUST 18, 2021

My soul waits for the Lord, more than watchmen for the morning, more than watchmen for the morning.

— Psalm 130:5
Watching and waiting. Waiting and watching. These are the bane of our lives. The psalmist writes for humankind for all times as there can indeed be nothing more stressful than having to watch and wait. I can certainly relate very clearly, having been on a job search these last four months, as I discerned my present job situation wasn’t a fit for me.
How any task could be more frustrating and disappointing than filling out and submitting applications, getting phone or in-person interviews and getting the standard response “while your work experience is extensive and impressive, we have decided to pursue other candidates . . . ” and so on. (One prospective employer, after the initial phone interview said to me that if selected to “move forward” there would be two Zoom interviews and then an in-person interview.)
We as Masons realize where our waiting can be overwhelming and the outcome unclear: the days before the results of medical tests, when warned of violent or severe weather, and the seeming eternity while loved ones face adversity and our inability to helwp. We are assured, however of the representation of Time Unfolding the Hair of the Beautiful Virgin Weeping : that time, patience and perseverance will accomplish all things.

AUGUST 11, 2021

You shall not be afraid of any terror by night,

  nor of the arrow that flies by day;
Of the plague that stalks in the darkness,
   nor of the sickness that lays waste at mid-day.
Psalm 91, versus 4-5
It would seem that the Psalmist would have written these words today as to where we are at this juncture, with the Delta Variant, wildfires and so forth. It is indeed a discouraging time as though we have taken some steps backward in the world of COVID. Remember how good things appeared just two months ago?
We know that life is not and never will be the proverbial “bed of roses” for us.Throughout our degrees, Freemasonry definitely supports this reality.
Perhaps in these trying days we should all bear in mind the first question posed to us when we were first admitted into Lodge at our own Initiation : In times of difficulty and danger, in whom do we put our trust? This is a question we as Masons should always keep in the forefront of our daily thoughts. Let us all arise, follow our Divine Guide and fear no danger.

AUGUST 4, 2021

august — Adjective, meaning “respected and impressive”  [Webster’s Dictionary]

A happy month of August [already] to all! How swiftly the sands of time run. This month would need to be respected and impressive as after all it was named after Roman Emperor Augustus Caesar!
This month interestingly contains the birthdays of five U.S. Presidents : Barack Obama [today], Herbert Hoover [Aug. 10], Bill Clinton [Aug. 19], Benjamin Harrison [Aug. 20] and Lyndon Johnson [Aug. 27].
Have you noticed by now our amount of daylight has lessened by some 50 minutes; our 9:00 p.m. sunsets are a thing of the past.
It is the start of a slow transition to autumn when we will return from our “time away” from Lodge meetings and to be able to look forward to the work that will be awaiting us. For me, it’s a wonderful confluence with the start of another college football season [hopefully it will be a pre-COVID season] and that first September stated meeting. Let’s hope we’ll be able this year to hold an Awards Night, an Installation of Officers and no shut downs.
Let us rejoice in what Masonry has to offer us in the coming months : we remember that each day as the Sun rises in the East to open and illume the day that our Divine Artist has for each and every one of us a Trestleboard with no designs upon it; it is up to us to fill it with the daily displays of brotherly, relief and truth to His glory.

JULY 28, 2021

Sir Alexander Fleming, a demure Scotsman, was awarded the Distinguished Service Medal of the Grand Lodge of New York. On the occasion of this presentation, Brother Fleming recalled his work on penicillin. One night, he failed to have closed the window with some vials containing bacteria and moulds got blown together. Upon arriving the following day, he found the upturned vial and bacteria in contact and that the bacteria was dead. He knew at that juncture that he was onto something significant.

Continuing, Sir Fleming said “It is apparent to everyone who knows anything of the circumstances surrounding the discovery of penicillin that it was not discovered by any human being. Penicillin was the gift of Almighty God to the human race.”
We should always give all credit to our Divine Artist; there is nothing new under sun as all we do is discover something that was there all the time.
So mote it be.

JULY 21, 2021

Happy Independence Day — Belgium! Today is the day in 1830 when the French & Flemish of the then United Provinces declared their independence from the Netherlands, becoming a member of the family of nations, the latest one in Western Europe — surely there are a number of new nations over the last 30 or so years in Eastern Europe.

So today we’ll have a gander of our Brethren in Belgium. Just four years afterwards, in 1834, Masons founded the Free University of Brussels, still in existence today. A top museum attraction In Brussels is the Belgian Museum of Freemasonry.
This small nation has a membership of some 25,000, which are governed by four separate Grand Bodies :
1.) The Grand Orient — men only, working in the three degrees which does not require a belief in a Supreme Being
2.) The Grand Lodge — men only, working in the three degrees [formed in 1959 when it lost recognition of the Grand Lodge of England, which it lost in 1979]
3.) The Regular Grand Lodge — men only, working in the three degrees [formed by nine Lodges June 15, 1959, with 59 subordinate Lodges today]
4.) The Women’s Grand Lodge — women only, working under “Masonic obedience” [the initial Lodge formed on April 20, 1974 & Grand Lodge constituted October 17, 1981]

JULY 14, 2021

Happy Bastille Day! C’est la fete national de France! All right, enough of my rudimentary French. I’ve always wondered how the French national anthem would sound sung with a Midwestern twang. [Allons enfants de la paternité and so on].

Today I want to share with you the life story of a French Mason by the name of Roger Nathan, son of a prominent Jewish family in Marseilles, who in his youth and early manhood was a keen sportsman and champion swimmer. He received the degrees of Masonry in 1934 in Lodge #104 EGALITE-JUSTICE and became its Orator [Chaplain] .

Life changed drastically in 1940 with France’s surrender. New anti-Semitic and anti-Masonic laws were enacted. Our brother now took the code name “Murat” and was active in the Resistance in southeast France, as he was the founder of the resistance group LIBERTE, whose members were quite adept and forging identification cards. He was finally arrested in 1942 after making sure his wife and daughter were safe in Switzerland. Even while in the Buchenwald Concentration camp, Nathen-Murat and fellow Masons were still conducting degrees.

In 1945, he escaped with two others; returning to Marseilles, where he resumed his Masonic activities, and working diligently to relieve the worthy and distressed Masons who had lost their jobs, homes and families during the occupation; demonstrating the true humanity of Freemasonry.

Vive Freemasonry, yesterday, today and always.

JULY 7, 2021

“Busy is back”, the news blares at us. Airports are jammed, planes are packed, mask mandates are over. I get the figurative mental image of Jailbreak! It’s the return of business; one can feel the anxiety rise.Do we need “busy” to be back? Isn’t it the last thing we need, as when we live, talk, text and work from a busy place, no one gets the very best of us. These are some thoughts brought up by Maria Shriver in one of her recent Sunday Morning blogs and I believe these are worthwhile thoughts for all of us as we enter new and uncharted waters post COVID.

Perhaps one unintended side benefit of a year of a pandemic showed us that we need not be “busy”. We as Masons can be reminded of this through the 24 inch gauge we encounter in the EA degree and also once again through the emblem of the Beehive in the MM Lecture, ‘man was made for active and social life” [nowhere is the word “busy” to be found!].
Freemasonry calls to us each and every day to regulate our days & to be active — we need not return to or embrace “busy” lives — but to keep our day in balance and to be productful & useful members of our Fraternity and our communities for the benefit of ourselves and all we encounter.

JUNE 15, 2021

You brood of vipers, how can you who are evil say anything good?
–Matthew 12:34

As He must increase, so must I decrease.
-John 3:30

Tomorrow we mark the feast day of our one patron, John the Baptist. It’s no surprise or coincidence that June 24 was chosen, as we have marked the summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere; the length of our days will now begin to slowly shorten [although it will be some time until we notice it!]

John the Baptist is a very appropriate patron for us Masons as his lifestyle and ministry found in Scripture illustrate Freedom, Fervency and Zeal. We might not go around clad as he was or dine on locusts and honey, but it does show a freedom from possessions and material wealth. Perhaps is was an overstatement to address a crowd by calling them a brood of vipers [something I hope we would never do] John went on to zealously indicate that we always will need to “take the first step”, such as giving one of our extra coats to someone who has none, and to generally do what’s right.

John also shows very clearly his own comprehension of his right relationship with the Supreme Architect by acknowledging that mortal life will [and must] decline while realizing the realities of the religious authorities of the day. Indeed, we must always be watchful of the King Herods of our day.

Please take some time tomorrow and reflect on this marvelous exemplar that we are fortunate to have, try to picture John the Baptist in the real world today, and that as Masons we should re-dedicate ourselves to serve each other, our communities, families, workplaces and houses of worship with our own Freedom, Fervency and Zeal.

JUNE15, 2021

Against you only I have sinned and done what is evil in your sight.

— Psalm 51:4
I always remind myself of what Mark Twain wrote about confession, that while it may be good for the soul it’s indeed bad for the reputation. This is a concept of which all of us can relate to [even if we really wouldn’t sometimes!] The word “sin” always sounds harsh and perhaps we should view this concept from the Greek & Hebrew concepts of “missing the mark” — the things we did and said and the things we did and did not do in our daily lives. There is no “vaccination” from it!
Masonry brings this concept and realization to us early on in the symbolic emblem of the Rough Ashlar found in the Lecture of the Entered Apprentice Degree — the stone taken from the quarry in its rude and natural state. The stone needs adjusting before it is ready for use in the house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. We are reminded to always be aware of our mortal shortcomings in our continuous journey and goal of being the Perfect Ashlar.

JUNE 2, 2021

— For we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed,we have a building from God, a house not made of hands, eternal in the heavens.

— 2 Corinthians 5:1
Our bodies, no matter how brilliantly designed, are going to fail us sooner or later. As Masons we know that this isn’t the end of the story. Our bodies serve their purpose; we learn of and should be reminded of the Common Gavel “so that our minds be made as living stones, for that house not made of hands.
We will be ready to celebrate and enjoy an existence unmarred by bodily attrition. It is prepared by the Divine Creator, who will stop at nothing to ensure that life not only continues in the Celestial Lodge above, in the eternal house. May we live our daily lives to represent that beauty and glory which reign forever before the Supreme Architect’s throne.
So mote it be.

MAY 19, 2021


Sing to the Lord a great song

  for he has done marvelous things.
Psalm 98, Verse 1
This is a wonderful portion of the Psalter, a group of psalms proclaiming joy! It’s chalk full of interesting metaphors such as Rivers clapping their hands and the hills ring out with joy! Could we imagine the headline in the Cincinnati Enquirer : “The Ohio River’s hands clap” and “Mount Auburn and Price Hill shouting together in joy”? That would really be something! And perhaps, each in their own they do, though we can’t tell.
Right now, in our lives we get to see some of the marvelous things — mask mandates are being lifter, COVID is being at least tamed, and the Reds will no longer have seating limits at home games [now if they could just get some pitching … I digress, but would INDEED be A MARVELOUS THING].
The most marvelous work for us as Masons is seeing fewer empty seats on the sidelines as this does indeed make the heart and soul glad. Indeed our Creator does marvelous things and calls us to help to continuing all such good works as  He has prepared us so to do this day and all days.

MAY 5, 2021


In the home, it’s kindness
In society, it’s courtesy
In business, it’s honesty
In work, it’s fairness
Toward the unfortunate, it’s pity
Toward the wicked, it’s resistance
Toward the weak, it’s help
To the strong, it’s trust
Toward the penitent, it’s forgiveness
Toward the fortunate, it’s congratulations
Toward God, it is reverence and love  —

APRIL 19,  2021

Give us, Lord, a bit of sun, A bit of work and a bit of fun,
Give us all in the struggle and sputter,
Our daily bread and a bit of butter.
Give us our health,our keep to make, and a bit to spare for the poor folks sake.
Give us sense for we’re some of us duffers, and a heart to feel for all that suffers.
Give us, too, a bit of song, and a tale and a book to help us along.
And give us our share of sorrow’s lesson, that we may prove how grief’s a blessing.
Give us, Lord, a chance to be our goodly best, brave, wise and free,
 Our goodly best for ourselves and others
‘Till all men learn to live as brothers.

MARCH 28,  2021

For it is the Passover of the Lord

Exodus 12:27
We have now arrived as what is commonly known as Holy Week in our lives. It is a special time where we should be doing and contemplating the concurrent feasts of the Jewish Passover and the Christian Passover [better known as Easter}. We are to pause and remember the faith and trust the nation of Israel placed in God to deliver them from slavery in Egypt, and that freedom from slavery was a long and difficult journey to the Promised Land, and there wound up being in conflict with many tribes, and even being taken into the Babylonian captivity. Regardless, the Lord God led the nation of Israel
by a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night.
Today, as Masons remind ourselves that these great stories of freedom and rebirth parallel our lives today. It’s no coincidence that Passover and Easter are both observed in a time of nature’s re-birth around us. We must put of faith and trust in God to deliver our world from the bondage of fear, anxiety, greed, envy and especially COVID-19. May God watch over and bless us, and especially bless the family of Freemasonry.
The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord to make his face shine upon you,and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you,and give you peace.
— Numbers 6:22-26

MARCH 24,  2021

We’re all familiar with one of our pieces of Americana each fall, as high schools and universities all hold a Homecoming Weekend, which began with the University of Missouri back in 1911. Of course, Homecomings were victimized this past year by COVID.
We as Masons have our “Homecomings” throughout the year as well — I count four such ones : our September stated meeting (after having been dark in July and August), Awards Night, Installation of Officers Night and Inspection night, which for us is tonight. It gives us opportunities to renew our ties, to catch up on our lives and be together. Yes, unfortunately the COVID did a number on two of these, so we have the opportunity to come to Lodge tonight and celebrate our past as well the present day, looking forward to a bright future in the days and years to come.
It would do the heart and soul well to see our Lodge room full this evening, I hope to see many familiar faces on the sidelines as are able!

MARCH 17,  2021

By it, we account for the return of the seasons, and the number of scenes each season displays to the discerning eye

This is one of my many favorite passages from the Fellow Craft Lecture. I have always had a difficult time of giving this Lecture, but there are several things which just resonates with me.
Happy spring! as we approach the equinox. Gone are the bitter cold temperatures and snow mountains. Daylight Saving Time has resumed, the evergreens and grass have started “going green”, and soon we will see flowers coming back to life, along with shrubs and trees..Fifteen days from now, the Reds will [hopefully] open their season, with a limited number of fans able to attend!
Above all, this springtime of 2021 offers all of us a ray of hope for coming out of the dangers, changes and disruptions of the past year. We’re not “out of the woods” just yet, but just maybe with continued daily prudence and the vaccinations that all of us will get there; as all fellows and brothers have done before    .
So mote it be.

MARCH 3,  2021


Take 2 heaping cups of PATIENCE
One heartful LOVE
2 handfuls GENEROSITY
Sprinkle generously with KINDNESS
Add plenty of FAITH and mix well
Spread over a period of a lifetime
   and serve everybody you meet.

FEBRUARY 24,  2021

Prior to the establishment of the first Grand Lodge of England on June 24, 1717, the origins of Freemasonry are unknown. Over the years many learned Masonic researchers and scholars have many books and articles about its establishment with differing theories. It appears no hard core evidence actually exists.

There are glimpses, however, that Masonry has been around in one form or another for quite some time.
An old brass square was found under the foundation stone of an old bridge in Limerick, Ireland in 1830. The inscription on the square was dated 1517, and is as follows :
I will strive to live,
With love and care,
Upon the level
By the square.

FEBRUARY 17 2021

Today, some Christian churches observe what is known as Ash Wednesday, beginning in the tradition of the Lenten season. It’s a day of attitude; members attend a church service where the officant olaces ashes on the foreheads of those as an outward reminder of our own imperfect state by nature. (This practice may be somewhat modified this year due to COVID concerns)

There are many examples in the Old Testament concerning sackcloth and ashes; perhaps the most memorable is the (very reluctant) prophet Jonah being sent by God to pronounce judgement and destruction of the city of Ninevth and its inhabitants. The people donned sackcloth and covered themselves in ashes in token of their not living in a right relationship with God, who saw their contrition and spared them.
Now we don’t of course need to start wearing sackcloth (it’s too cold for that anyway) and cover ourselves in ashes, but rather it is a good day to “step aside” and examine whether living in a right relationship with the Supreme Architect and in right, positive and productive relationships with our Brother Masons and all humankind. Please all those afflicted with the ravages of COVID in our prayers, and trust in the Supreme Being to lead us out of this pandemic.

JANUARY 20, 2021

Can anything good come from Nazareth?  — John 1:46

I came across the Biblical passage and thought it would be an appropriate one in our lives today. Name calling is hardly a new happenstance!
I wonder how we would look at this question when framing it with our current pandemic [which doesn’t seem to be going away any time in the near or distant future] with the turbulent times in our democracy. Can anything good come out of our latter-day Nazareth?
As Masons, we are aware of our place in our society, and will persevere and flourish through all the current limitations. We hold up in prayer to our Supreme Architect our brothers and families dealing with the plague of COVID. We can remember that our Freemasonry survived the Morgan affair and how our European brothers came through the years of the Holocaust some 70 years ago.
We will find the good to come out from all of this; may we realize that we as individuals, our beloved Fraternity, our nation and the world will emerge healed.

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