February 19, 2025
Since we’ve just observed President’s Day, we’re going today to look about one “lesser known” Masonic  presidents, James Monroe.

Brother Monroe was made a Mason in Williamsburg [VA] Lodge #6 in 1776.
Educated at William & Mary college, he served in the Continental army in the Revolutionary War, he served our new nation in many capacities, including minister to both France and the United Kingdom, governor of Virginia, Secretary of State before his election as Fifth President in 1816. He advocated for friendship between North & South and less partisanship in public discourse. He’s best know for the issuance of what’s known as the Monroe Doctrine during his second term as President
Unfortunately, Brother Monroe had many financial and health issues; he was called by the Great Architect in destitute circumstances on July 4, 1831.
He was a true and faithful brother among us who served our country and Fraternity well.

February 12, 2025

“I have always found that mercy bears more fruit than strict justice.”  – – – Abraham Lincoln

Since today is in fact his birthday, I thought that “Father Abraham” would be pleased! Truly, his comments on mercy and compassion resonate with us in today’s world.
It would appear that Hosea 6:6 [“I desire mercy and not sacrifice”] could be the forerunner of this observation — – – Lincoln was a living example of mercy and kindness throughout his life and especially while President during our tragic Civil War.
We would do well in our journeys through Masonry to be kind, considerate and compassionate to all those we encounter. Granted, it’s not always an easy thing to do, but we know it will bear much good fruit.

February 5, 2025

” .   . By the Rough Ashlar, we are reminded of our own imperfect state by nature.  . .”

It seems to be in our day and age of the need to be perfect — we are assailed daily by slick marketing campaigns to select and buy the perfect item, to rush out and buy the biggest wide screen TV [so we can host the perfect Super Bowl party] the latest laptop, tablet, phone or other electronic gadget [which will probably be outdated six months from now.]
Overworking and trying to accomplish six things at once are now modern day mantras
Because of this, it is natural to perceive that we haven’t *kept up” or maybe did our best; we can get down on ourselves. Masonry serves us that we’re not perfect [and never will be] but we trust that our daily efforts will find favor with our Great Architect as we look forward to being crafted into Perfect Ashlars. May it ever be so.

January 29. 2025

I saw a light from heaven, brighter than the sun,, shining around me and my companions. — Acts 26:13

I doubt any of us have had anything akin to what the apostle Paul had that day on the road to Damascus [or ever will, for that matter] God had had to use extraordinary methods to turn around his life: he had important work for Paul to do and needed his talents and abilities.
So too does the Great Architect call upon us through Freemasonry to put our time, knowledge, talents and abilities to work in bettering ourselves, our families, our work places, our houses of worship and our communities and supporting each other.
It has been written that God comes to us disguised as your daily life. Let’s all strive to pay attention to the messages we’re sent in those we encounter and the circumstances we face.

January 22, 2025

“Have you not known? Have you not heard? Has it not been told to you from the beginning?” — Isaiah 40:21

We can almost feel Isaiah’s sense of exasperation with these questions— “You just don’t get it” — seemingly shouting to get our attention. Unfortunately it can sometimes easy to forget or overlook what the Great Architect has done for us or put off doing His work He has for us to do.
Before the beginning of time, God desires that we should be made whole by his complete love and concern for us; as Masons we have for three plus centuries “passed along” this love and concern to our families, communities and to one another; it’s extent is universal in its scope.
As our national life now embarks on a new chapter, let it be our fondest hope that our elected leaders will pray to God for Solomon’s wisdom, that they make prudent decisions and take right actions for the welfare of our nation and the world

January 15, 2025

Sandy & I went the other day to one of our Chinese restaurants; I got the following fortune cookie: Follow the path of gratitude and blessings will be yours.

While it would seem that the usual season of gift buying and giving is in our “rear view mirror” by now, there is no more timeless or priceless gift than realizing and acknowledging our gratitude for all things and people who touch our daily lives.
As Masons we need to remember to pass along our thanks to one another for our remembrance of one another and hold up each other especially at times when our skies aren’t blue.

January 8, 2025

Winter left its “calling card” here this past Sunday [and into Monday as well]. It snowed and pretty much shut down most everything. Here’s hoping that all are safe.

It was silent outside; it seemed as though both people and nature took a respite from their sundry travails.
We are fortunate that there’s food on hand, the electricity and furnace both work.
This does give us as Masons to realize and be thankful for having the necessities of daily life as opposed to the “wants to’ of any supposed luxuries. While we might have had some “cabin fever”, we remember the many blessings we have and the comforts which constantly surround us.
And as a comfort to me, I wish my darling spouse Sandy a happy birthday today!

January 1, 2025

” . . . With Light added to the coming Light.  . .”  This phrase, heard in the Apron Presentation, has always struck a chord or resonates with me as it is a very profound and powerful message to us.

Our Winter Solstice has occurred, though while our days are still short they’re not getting shorter and will now slowly get longer.
While it appears dark, overcast and gloomy outside many days we as well might feel the same way. We as Masons have an antidote for the “blahs” as we the brightness of Freemasonry which shines with and through each and every one of us. We bear in mind that darkness is not dark to our Divine Artist.
May we all have a safe, healthy and Joyful New Year

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